Emily Spaeth Emily Spaeth

How “The Happy Song” Saved the Day!

Has your baby ever gone on a “nursing strike” There are many reasons this could happen, from teething to flow preference to environmental challenges… but one this is for sure- I NEVER guessed this song would make this difference in this family’s breastfeeding journey!

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Emily Spaeth Emily Spaeth

Eating Disorders and Pregnancy

Bodies are wild, and the fact that yours can grow a human is miraculous. But you don’t have to do it alone… and if you have a history of an eating disorder, it’s even more important to have guidance. Someone to walk with you through this chapter.

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Emily Spaeth Emily Spaeth

How To Do Perineal Massage!

Where even IS the perineum?

You want me to stretch it HOW?

Read this if you want to know anything about perineal massage… I’ve also got links to oils and lubes in here if you need.

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Emily Spaeth Emily Spaeth

Colostrum Harvesting

Learn everything you need to know about harvesting colostrum, including effective techniques, ideal storage methods, the benefits of collecting it before birth, and safe ways to feed it to your baby.

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Emily Spaeth Emily Spaeth

When You Are On Lovanox an Induction is Often Recommended… Why?

Today, I had a wonderful conversation with a client of mine and she mentioned her team had told her IF she were to take Lovanox, she would be switched to Heparin a month before her due date and an induction would be recommended. Whenever I hear blanket statements like this, I know I need to know more. So I did a deep dive for you.

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Emily Spaeth Emily Spaeth

Is Aromatherapy Safe?

I get a lot of questions about what is safe during pregnancy. I took what the internet had to say and distilled it here, for you. <3

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Emily Spaeth Emily Spaeth

Where Have My Glutes Gone?

We always hear about losing your glutes during pregnancy... but why does that happen? And what can we do about it?

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Emily Spaeth Emily Spaeth

Is Your Body Ready for Birth?

Yes, birth will happen regardless of wether or not you prepare for it. And no... you shouldn't leave it all up to chance.

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Emily Spaeth Emily Spaeth

Bacteria Is Not Bad!

You smell a little different postpartum so your baby can find you! Bacteria is doing fascinating things to help you and your baby bond... using hand sanitizer just gets in the way, and can even be harmful to your baby's skin! Skip the sanitizer and just wash your hands.

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Emily Spaeth Emily Spaeth

What I Wish I Knew When I had BV…

When I was 7 months pregnant I had this red, itching, burning sensation... It was miserable, and no one could tell me what was going on. All my tests came back negative... and then, as if nothing could get worse, my water broke early.

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Emily Spaeth Emily Spaeth

Smiling Can Help Manage Pain

Now, before you roll your eyes, let’s be clear: I’m not saying “Smile and your troubles will be gone!” This is actually about using a simple, science-backed tool to make your life a little bit easier when things get tough.

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Emily Spaeth Emily Spaeth

Exploring the Wonderful World of Placentas

There are so many things your provider will tell you about your placenta... or maybe they will tell you nothing. But I want you to know that there are a lot of things that you might hear about your placenta, and here is a cooool little outline for you to learn about all the fun things about your placenta- My 3rd placenta was the biggest placenta my midwife had every seen!!! (I attribute it to the collagen protein powder I was taking religiously but I have no evidence for that)

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Emily Spaeth Emily Spaeth

Let’s talk about Neuroplasticity!

Forming new habits is challenging. But why? It all comes down to neuroplasticity. The brain’s ability to reinforce thoughts and actions that are repeated, and the fact that repetition can be an incredible tool for harnessing the power of neuroplasticity.

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