Baby-Led Weaning: When (and How) to Start Solid Foods

If you’re starting to think about introducing solids, you’ve probably heard conflicting advice: “Start at four months!” “Wait until six months!” “Purees first!” “Baby-led weaning only!” It’s a lot. But as a doctor of physical therapy and lactation consultant, my top priorities are safety and development, so let’s break it down.

Why I Don’t Recommend Solids at Four Months

There’s a reason the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and World Health Organization (WHO) recommend waiting until around six months before introducing solid foods—babies simply aren’t ready earlier. At four months:

  • The gut is still maturing, making early introduction of solids a potential trigger for digestive issues.

  • Swallow mechanics aren’t fully developed, increasing the risk of aspiration (food going down the wrong pipe!)

  • Most babies aren’t sitting independently, which is critical for safe swallowing and reducing choking risk.

So while Grandma might swear that a little rice cereal “helped you sleep,” we now know that early solids don’t improve sleep and can actually cause more harm than good.

Signs of Readiness for Solid Foods

Babies who are born early are especially at risk for this- if your pediatrician is telling you to feed your baby solids at 4 months old but they were born at 36 weeks?


Instead of focusing on a strict age guideline, I encourage parents to watch for developmental readiness signs, which usually emerge around six months:

  1. Sitting confidently without support (ensures a stable airway and proper swallowing mechanics).

  2. Loss of tongue thrust reflex (when babies push food out with their tongue it’s protective, and we should listen!).

  3. Good head and neck control to help with safe chewing and swallowing.

  4. Interest in food, reaching for it, watching it, yelling for it, watching you eat.

If your baby isn’t meeting these milestones, hold off on solids a little longer! They will let you know when they would like a taste please.

My Go-To First Foods

When it’s time to start solids, I love to keep it simple with nutrient-dense, easy-to-eat foods. My favorites? Avocado and sweet potato.

🥑 Avocado: Packed with healthy fats for brain development and soft enough to smoosh or serve as spears for self-feeding.

🍠 Sweet potato: Loaded with fiber and beta-carotene, plus it’s naturally sweet and easy to digest.

Other great options include banana, steamed carrots, or soft scrambled eggs (if there are no egg allergies in the family). The key is to offer foods in a form your baby can safely grasp and gum—soft, mashable textures or large pieces they can hold.

Why I Love Baby-Led Weaning

Baby-led weaning (BLW) encourages babies to self-feed from the start, skipping traditional spoon-fed purées. This approach:

  • Supports oral motor development by encouraging chewing and coordination.

  • Helps babies listen to their own hunger cues, reducing the risk of overeating.

  • Makes mealtime more enjoyable and less stressful for everyone!

  • Encourages exploration of textures which is wonderful for baby’s sensory development

Of course, you can still offer purées if that works best for your family—but letting your baby explore and feed themselves as much as possible has huge benefits.

PRO TIP: Whatever you do, do not wipe your baby off between every bite! Part of the goal for food in these first 6 months is that it is an exploration in texture- messiness is encouraged. Food is for learning, not for nourishment yet! Let it be fun, and you’ll have a happy eater on your hands (until they are 2… then they will look you in the eye and drop the perfectly normal yogurt they ate last week on the floor while making eye contact).

Final Thoughts

Starting solids should be fun, not stressful! Trust your baby’s cues, wait until they’re physically ready, and start with simple, whole foods that support their development. And remember—breastmilk or formula remains their primary source of nutrition for the first year, so there’s no rush!

Got questions about baby-led weaning? Drop them below or send us a message—our team would love to help!


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